Web app
Kconnect E-Learning application
Kconnect E-Learning Application
Kconnect is an E-learning platform for students who wish to learn core subjects from professionals. Kcoonect is a subscription-based platform for colleges and coaching institutes where they can choose plans depending upon their requirement, kconnect goal is to bring high-quality content with great content to each and every college and institute in the country.
So they approached IONINKS and explained how they are moving toward their goal , We took all the business requirements from the client and started designing the User interface of the platform

Chanllenges of Kconnect
- Our team has an in-depth understanding of E-learning
- To integrate high quality video streaming within the platform
- Fast software and modeling for reality
- Developing Quiz section for each course
- Multiple plans for colleges depending on their requirement
- Forum section for discussions
We carefully crafted the design and developed the platform within time. Kconnect has all the required features for an E-learning platform
it has the most accurate notification center to send instant notifications for the user and for the college admin.


